
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Treats, treats, and more treats . . .

I was thinking about it today, and it has been more than a week since I actually made a card!  That's a long time for me.  Hopefully, I can remedy that soon.

Instead, I've been working on treat bags!  I think in the past week I've made more than 50.  Some of those, I made on Sunday night for Timothy's birthday celebration at preschool on Monday.  I can't believe my little guy is now 4 years old!!!  Where did the time go?

For Timothy's school treats, I'd found some great coloring books and copies of one of our favorite books from the Elmo's neighborhood series.  They would have fit wonderfully in one of Stampin' Up!'s large cello bags, but unfortunately, I had not planned ahead and didn't happen to have any around!  I decided to improvise and use some clear 3 ring binder pages to hold the treats . . . and that worked okay, although those are actually a bit slick, so more of a challenge for little hands to keep a good hold on them than I would have liked.   Oh well . . . next time, I'll be better prepared!

I created a tag to hang through one of the holes in the binder page.  Here is what that looked like:

I used an aquapainter and ink from my Pumpkin Pie ink pad to paint the pumpkins from The More the Merrier stamp set (so many fun images in this set!!!), then colored in the mouths and noses with my YoYo Yellow marker (should have used the fine point end . . . can see on this piece that I wasn't as in the lines as I would have liked . . . but it just looks like the pumpkins have a happy glow about them, right?)  The leaves and stems were colored with Chocolate Chip and Old Olive markers.

- Michelle

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I keep forgetting to use my aquabrush. I also forgot to use my wheel to make the toppers for Halloween treat bags. Oh well... I can always use it next year! ;) xx


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