
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Faux Stained Glass Window Frame

Hello!  Sorry for my absence . . . have been busy with summer activities with the boys!  We had a very fun week last week at VBS and I'm working on getting together some photos of a few special projects created for that, but in the meantime have another project I have been wanting to share with you for a while!  Here is a special photo frame I created a while back for my last swap with my friend Marlene:

To alter the frame, I started by painting Gesso over all of it (Gesso is basically a thick white paint . . . kind of like a primer).  Then, I stamped the flowers from the Fifth Avenue Floral stamp set all over the frame with versamark.  I sprinkled on clear embossing powder and heat embossed.  Then, I painted the frame using ink refills and my aquapainters.  The ink resisted the areas that had been embossed.

Finally, I sprinkled Glassy Glaze Enamel embossing powder on the still wet ink, and heated that with the Heat Tool.  While that was still warm, I added some additional Glassy Glaze.  I used my Versamark pad around the frame to apply another more even layer of Glassy Glaze, but that wasn't so kind to my poor ink pad!  It's a bit more colorful than I would like now!  I've since discovered that it is way better to simply brush on Versamark Ink Refill across the surface you want to cover and then put on the powder and emboss.  Live and learn! 

(By the way, the Glassy Glaze is a last chance item from Stampin' Up!  I believe it actually may have already sold out.  This is wonderful stuff -- I will really miss it!  However, you can achieve a fun faux stained glass look using layers of the Clear Embossing Powder as well.)

I wanted to add something inside the frame, so I created the flower art by sponging Versamark ink onto my Elegant Trio Decor Elements Stencil (had to buy this after seeing the beautiful projects Patty Bennett was creating with it!  For instance, check out this link) and then daubed on some Stampin' Pastels to add color!  This was so fun and easy!!!

Here are some close ups of this project:

One of the finishing touches I added was a Mini Vintage Tag -- love these, they have some vanilla shimmery cardstock in the center that is really beautiful!  I stamped the m with my Calendar Alphabet and Numbers -- love how that fit on there.  The Rough Type alphabet in the Summer Mini looks great on these little tags, too.  The tag is attached to the frame with a piece of Old Olive 5/8" Satin Ribbon!

- Michelle

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