
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Too Many Punches!?!

My apologies -- feel like I've been very quiet since returning from vacation last week.  Somehow I was able to get posts set up ahead of time for the days we were away, but since we've been back it's been hard to sit down and write a post!  Especially frustrating since I have plenty of fun stuff I'd like to share!!

Anyway, first wanted to share that while I really enjoy using punches in my paper crafting (you might have noticed!), I am afraid that recent events have forced me to admit that I have a problem.  I'm addicted to punches and my supply has apparently runneth over! 

We'd just returned from our vacation, when something . . . well, let's say not entirely unexpected . . . happened.    My punch organizer and all of its contents came crashing down!!!   Very dramatic.  Fortunately noone was under it when it happened! 

I'd noticed a couple weeks back that the top was starting to break away, but had hoped that it would hold together for at least a little longer.  Alas, that wasn't to be . . . instead here's what happened:

Aaaahhhh!!!!  Punches everywhere!!!

I'm happy to report, though, that I have already purchased a replacement and reorganized my punches (leaving my older, retired punches out to hopefully extend the life of this organizer!  So far, so good.)

Order restored!  Whew! 
- Michelle


  1. Hey Michelle,

    Greetings from O'Fallon, IL! I have the same storage bag and the same storage issue! The bottom pockets of my punch storage are ripping out but the top is still fine, just overcrowded. I actually have 3 "punch holder" is the original shoebag holder which I have used for years and then two others. Does that make you feel any better? lol!

    Enjoyed peeking around on your blog, when are you coming to O'Fallonn to, I mean visit??? Jan Hoyt

  2. Hi Michelle--me again! I love this because it's CLEAR--you can see the ones right away and not have to hunt & peck for them.
    Thanks again--will be looking for one ASAP!


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