
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blog Candy Winners!

Wow!  I can't believe it is already Thursday -- this week has just flown by for me!  Has it for you, too? 

The kids had their winter break last week, and so I've felt like I've spent all this week trying to catch up from being away on our quick trip to the snow.  Slowly, but surely, I'm getting there! 

Anyway, the kids helped me draw some numbers out of a hat today to choose blog candy winners.  Here are the results. 

(Recognize these numbers?  I had them left from an advent calendar kit in the Holiday Mini!  Glad I saved them, as they really came in handy for this!) 

The first number drawn was 14, so that's who wins the "grand blog candy."  And, drumroll please . . . number 14 is . . . Jana!

The five winners who'll receive a special card from me are:

12 - Marlene

5 - Kallien

2 - Cari

9 - Sherry

7 - Meg

Congratulations to the winners!  I'll be in touch with each of you about getting your "candy" to you!  And, thanks so much to everyone who took the time to leave a comment!!!  Always very appreciated!

- Michelle


  1. Yeah!!! Congrats to all you ladies. =)

  2. Woohoo!!! I cannot believe I won! I ever win anything. I feel so lucky! I love, love, love what you sent me!!! Thank you so much! It was a real surprise! I hope you don't mind me casing it for my club. They will love it too. Marlene Caravello


Thanks so much for leaving a comment! I love hearing from you!