
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy National Scrapbooking Month!!!

It's May, and that means National Scrapbooking Month is here!  To celebrate, I have challenged myself to create a page a day in My Digital Studio, and I Digital Dare you to do the same!!!  You can join the challenge anytime this month.  If you'd like to join me, please leave me a comment either here on this blog post, or over on my Facebook page.  If enough people join in and share what they're doing, I might just have to give out some prizes, too.  :)

I'll admit I'm way behind in my scrapbooking, so I have plenty of projects I could do!  However, I decided to scrapbook our recent Spring Break camping trip -- it's fresh in my mind, and we took lots of fun photos.  Once I finish that, then I can pick another, older one.  Anyway, here are the first two pages I've created:


The first page will be the cover for my album.  I like the layout, not so sure about the colors yet.  And, the second page will be the title page inside. 

Usually when I do an album, the first thing I do is put all the pictures I want to use on all the pages I think I'll need.  This time, I've decided to really just take one page at a time, and I'm enjoying that much more!  I don't feel quite as overwhelmed.  I hope if you join me in this challenge you'll take the opportunity to experiment and try something new, too.

And, I must confess I already missed a day of scrapbooking yesterday . . . didn't get quite as much computer time as I would have liked due to some intervening circumstances.  So, I'll be making that up along with my page for today!!!

Thanks for stopping by!

- Michelle 

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Wow...your scrapbook pages/layouts are breathtaking!!! Holy cow, Michelle, I didn't realize you are so talented with photo taking as well. I can't wait to see more!!! Marlene Caravello


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