
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Scrapbooking Update and Some Amazing Projects By Marlene

Hi Everyone!   Sorry to be quiet for almost a couple weeks there!!!  I've been spending much of my "free" time lately working in My Digital Studio on my scrapbook pages, and have made some great progress on my spring break scrapbook.  I'm actually on page 26 -- so ahead in my page a day challenge! -- although it looks like this book is going to be longer than I'd originally expected, so it's a good thing I've gotten ahead so I'll have a chance to finish it in time to take advantage of the 30% off special on printing this month!!!   I'll share some more of my pages from that tomorrow!

But, today, I want to share with you some wonderful projects that I have received from my great friend and swapping-buddy Marlene Caravello.  I've been holding out on you with these again.  I think I've had them for a least a month, maybe longer!  Yikes!  So, without further ado, here are Marlene's beautiful creations!

First is a card for our challenge to create a card with punches.  This card uses the sneak peek set Four Frames and the Paisley Prints designer series paper from the upcoming Idea Book & Catalog (July 1st, for those who want to join me in counting days!  Be sure to let me know if you'd like a copy of the catalog!)  Anyway, I love how Marlene used the Four Frames set and the Decorative Label Punch to create the banner!

and here's the beautifully decorated inside of the card as well:

The next card Marlene created for our challenge to make a card with 3D flowers:

Isn't this a neat idea!!!  The skirt is made with the Springtime Vintage Fabric, which was in the Occasions Mini, but is still available!   I love the textures on the card, too.  Marlene used the Elegant Lines Embossing Folder on the background and the Elegant Bouquet folder on the Certainly Celery top. 

Again, Marlene decorated the inside of the card beautifully as well:

And, the final project is a 3D basket, which Marlene created using the Petal Cone Die (again, this was from the Occasions Mini, but is still available) and the new Beyond the Garden Designer Series Paper from the Summer Mini. 

Just wonderful!!!

Thanks again, Marlene, for swapping with me and for allowing me to share your creations here!!! 

Marlene and I are working on another swap right now with Summer Mini items -- I have two of the three projects done, and the third one well underway, so hopefully will have those done and on their way to Marlene soon.  Once she has them, then I'll post them here, too!  Stay tuned . . .

Thanks for stopping by!


1 comment:

  1. Sorry I have not been out to your sight in so long. Thank you so much for posting my artwork. You always make it look so good. I so appreciate your flattering comments as well!!! Marlene Caravello


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