
Monday, August 22, 2011

Variations on a Happy Theme

It seems like I've been "CASE"-ing a lot lately -- especially the new 2011-12 Idea Book & Catalog -- lots of beautiful samples in there!  Well, today's cards are no different.  These are all inspired by the square card on page 85, with minor tweaks.  

The first in this series of cards is perhaps the most direct copy.   And, by the way, is one of the five cards we will be making in my "CASE the Catalog" class this Friday -- if you're in my area (San Jose, CA), and would like to come, please leave a comment or send me an email to let me know -- I still have a couple spaces!

Anyway, for this one, I used the same layout and colors as in the Idea Book, I just changed the stamp set from Nursery Times to Easy Events.  For the ruffled paper, I used Paisley Prints.  I switched to a flower button instead of the heart from Itty Bitty Buttons, and left off the So Saffron banner, since it was easier to just stamp the greeting below the image.  For this card, I also did "faux stitching" with a White Uni-ball Signo Gel Pen. 

This card is pretty much the same -- I just substituted Marina Mist for the Baja Breeze card base, used only one button, and actually stitched with the sewing machine:

I was having so much fun with this layout, though, and needed a bunch of birthday cards, so I kept going -- plus Isabella decided to "help" me and pose while I was photographing some more of this set of cards:

A little closer view of my favorites from these:

The embellishment above is a piece of Peach Parfait punched out using the new Triple Layer Blossom Bouquet punch, with a red button in the center.

For this one, I managed to fit a Pool Party card stock flower, punched with the four-petal Itty Bitty Shapes Punch flower, in the center of the Old Olive button.  In the center of the flower, I put a drop of Dazzling Details (if you haven't heard of that yet, that's because it is a sneak peek of a brand new product from the Holiday Mini, available September 1st!)

For this card's button, I used Dazzling Details to help hold a Pearl Jewel in the center.

 Just wanted to give you a close up of the Dazzling Details on the cupcake!

And, these are Calypso Coral punched flowers with Dazzling Details in the center.

Whew!  Thanks for staying with me through all that!

- Michelle

1 comment:

  1. More great cards! Love the edition of the fury one...Isabella! Cats are funny creatures. Marlene Caravello


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