
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Santa, Tree, and Angel Petal Cone Die Treat Boxes

A couple weeks back, my friend and fellow member of Late Night Stampers, Robbie was in town and came over for a wonderful afternoon of stamping with my friend Charlene and me!  Charlene brought her new Petal Cone die over, and we enjoyed using it to create some Christmas treat boxes.  Robbie had seen an adorable Santa, elf, and angel on her friend Stampin T's blog, so we set out to create our own versions, first of the Santa, and then of the angel.  These coordinated wonderfully with a Petal-Cone die Christmas tree that I'd received from my friend Marlene.  Here are my the Santa and angel I made together with Marlene's tree:

Here's a close up of the Santa we made:

We had fun adding the stocking in Santa's hands.  For Santa's face, we actually copied this adorable stocking stuffer I'd also received from my friend Marlene Caravello:

 Here's a closer view of her Santa's face:

I've actually put together a step-by-step tutorial for how to put the Santa together, which I will post soon.  (Stay tuned!)

Here's the close up of the angel I made, which is a pretty close copy of Stamping T's :

We thought it was pretty clever how she used the Owl punch and Blossom Builders to create the hair!  And, loved the touch of vellum for the wings and on the angel's dress.  The only change we made was in the halo . . . we decided we wanted to use the Silver Glitter Paper, and used the Extra-Large and Large Oval Punches to create it.

And, here's a close up of Marlene's Christmas tree:

Don't you love how she used the Snow Burst Embossing Folder to add texture to it?  And, there's Dazzling Details garland around it, too -- very clever!

Fill these with candies, and they make such fun little gifts! 

- Michelle

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for the credit, Michelle! Love the Santa and the Angel version with the cone die! I'll bet they loved making the santa! Marlene Caravello


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