
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!  Hope 2012 is off to a wonderful start for you.  So far, so good here!  My guys were all back to school or work today.  While I do miss the fun times we had together over the break, I'm sort of amazed at how much I was able to accomplish in the short time I had "free" today!  Funny how that works!!!

Today I have a few pages from the My Digital Studio calendar I created for this year to share with you.  I created an 8-1/2 x 11 calendar, and I used the 2012 Year to Remember Digital Download for the background paper and other elements.  First is the cover:

The snowflakes are from various digital stamp sets -- I opened up the stamp menu and used a search function there to see the different options and choose from them.  I added a digital pearl in the center of each snowflake.

The second page is the photo page for January:

I tried to choose photos for each month of significant events that happened in that month the year before.  These photos show Daniel with his new braces and my guys on a visit we made to Point Lobos State Park in the Carmel/Big Sur area of California.

I didn't add many embellishments on my photo pages . . . I wanted to keep it quick and easy, with the main focus on the photos.

And, finally, I wanted to share perhaps my favorite of all the pages I created -- the back cover!  I didn't realize until this year that I could fully customize this page as well.  I enjoyed adding a favorite photo from each month to the back.  Here's how that turned out:

Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

- Michelle

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are lovely! What a great idea to make a digital calender! Happy New Year to you!


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