
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The 400th Post -- Blog Candy Alert!!!

So, here it is!  My 400th blog post.  That calls for not only a special project but also some blog candy to celebrate.

First, for the project . . . I managed to recreate the beautiful ornament on the cover of the Holiday Mini Catalog -- it took a little time, but was very fun to make!  Here is my version:

You can only see a hint of it in the photos, but I added Dazzling Details along the edges of the ornaments for a bit of extra sparkle!  And, the back had to look pretty, too:

Okay, so that was the project!  Now, for the blog candy -- how would you like to be the recipient of the ornament I made?  If you would, please leave me a comment on this post before midnight PST on August 20th.  I'll randomly select the winner from those who have commented and post the winner on August 22nd.  (Be sure to include a way for me to contact you when you post your comment or be sure to check back to see if the ornament is yours!)  Good luck!

- Michelle


  1. I so wanted to get that set just for this ornament... but then i realized I would never spend so much time after I counted how many times you have to cut!

    AMAZING!!!!!! It looks awesome Michelle! Would love to do that for the august project :-)


  2. Really beautiful! I love it!

  3. WOW!!! This is GORGEOUS!!! I, like Renate, wanted this set to make the ornament...but then I realized, I'd NEVER have time to make it with my 2 little boys running around....I barely have ANY crafting time as it is. :O(

  4. So pretty Michelle!! --Linda B

  5. gorgeous ornament! can't believe you would be willing to give it away after spending so much time creating it! laura j

  6. It's a really nice ornament.
    And the sets do double duty as individual ornaments and as the beautiful artwork you designed.

  7. Congratulations on your 400th post!! The ornament is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  8. I absolutely love your ornament and congrats on your 400th post. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent.

  9. Michelle, congratulations on your 400th blog post! The ornamment is fabulous - so I course I want it! Hoping to make some of my own when I get the stamp and die set.

  10. WOOHOO 400 already!! I think I've missed the past dozen or so - guess I gotta go catch up! LOVE the ornament, especially after seeing it in person. Gorgeous!!!

  11. This ornament is just gorgeous! It looks good in the catalog. I would love to do a party at my house with you. Let me know how to get started.

  12. Thanks everyone for the sweet comments!

    Judy -- would love to do a party with you. Will send you a PM and we can start planning!

    Thanks & Hugs,


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