
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Catalog Premiere Party!

On Monday evening, I joined my good friends Jana and Cheryl as well as other Bay Area demonstrators at a movie theater to watch a live stream of Stampin' Up!'s Catalog Premiere!  Here's a photo of us getting ready to head into Theater 10:

(Thanks, Jana, for the photo!  I'd brought a camera along, but discovered when I went to take a photo of the marquis that the memory card was full, and worse than that, when I went to delete a few photos, the battery died!  Oops!  Not as prepared as I thought!!!)

Anyway, the event was amazing!  I'm really hoping that Stampin' Up! will make this an annual event!!!  We were treated to some awesome presentations on new products and at the end of the evening, received our new catalog, our Stampin' Success, and a new stamp set!!!  I'm still a little star struck to have been handed my goodies by Shelli's lovely daughter Sara! 

Jana, Cheryl, and I headed to dinner after the event, and pored over our new catalogs, forward and backward and then a few more times!  This is by far my favorite catalog yet!  Can't wait to share it with you.  I can't show the inside pages to you here yet, but can show you the cover (as well as Isabella guarding my new book!  Tried to take some "selfies" with it, but still have such a happy, goofy expression from the excitement of it all, that I'm too embarrassed to show you those!):

If you'd like to be on my list to receive a free copy of your own once they are available, please let me know!

Thanks for stopping by!

- Michelle

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