
Monday, October 6, 2014

Pre-World Card Making Day Blog Candy Winner!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend and were able to make a card (or more!) to celebrate World Card Making Day!!!  I had my sons help me draw names from those who left a comment on my Pre-World Card Making Day blog candy post (thank you all!!!) . . . and drum roll please . . .  the winner is:

In case you can't read my handwriting, that's Connie!!!  Congratulations, Connie!!!  I'll be in touch with you about your new Wish Big Paper Pumpkin refill kit soon.

And, there's still another chance for blog candy -- make sure you leave a comment for me on this World Card Making Day Blog Candy post before midnight PST tonight! 


1 comment:

  1. Wow, Michelle! What a nice surprise to win blog candy. (Thank your boys for drawing my name, okay?) ;o)


Thanks so much for leaving a comment! I love hearing from you!