
Friday, January 16, 2015

Flashback Friday: Many Merry Stars

Happy Friday!  Hope you are having a great day!  I have a Flashback Friday post for you today . . . with some Christmas projects, which actually I only recently finished!  (Ran out of time before Christmas, but now I'm ahead for this year.  Whoo Hoo! ;)  ) 
These are some open-topped goodies boxes I made with the Many Merry Stars kit and stamp set (just didn't use the full panel to create the sides . . . I cut off four sections to leave the top open):

Here is the largest star:

I decorated the outside as shown in the kit, but cut apart the side pieces so that the box opens and closes:

I used a similar technique for this one:

Here are the adorable smallest stars from the kit:

And, many more stars:

Such a fun kit!!!  And, actually, it turns out that the Many Merry Stars kit and stamp set that I used for these projects is still available in the Clearance Rack (while supplies last), so if you want to create your own of these, be sure to head over there and pick them up!  Okay, onto the projects!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

- Michelle

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