
Friday, January 26, 2018

Fabulous Friends Friday: SUper Friends "Yankee" Gift Swap

Happy Friday!!!  For today's Fabulous Friends Friday, I have some more fun photos to share from this month's SUper Friends gathering.  In addition to our card swap, we also did a "Yankee Swap" of handmade gifts.  In this type of swap, everyone who brings a gift draws a number, and then opens a gift in order of number drawn . . . although instead of opening a gift, someone can choose to steal an already opened gift.  We put a two-steal limit on our swap, but the funny thing was that everyone was so happy with what they opened and anxious to see what the next gift would bring that no one ended up stealing!  

Here we all are before the Yankee gift swap, with all our wrapped presents in the center of the table:

And, here we are during the swap:

We had a fun variety of handmade gifts, including jewelry, stamped decor items, calendars, and food! 

Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

- Michelle

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