
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Printed Spring Break My Digital Studio Album

It's been a while since I've posted anything My Digital Studio-related!  I think my last posts were probably back in May when I was digital scrapbooking daily to finish my goal of completing an album during National Scrapbooking Month (if you'd like to see my work in progress posts, you can here, here and here).  Well, I accomplished my goal, had the book printed, and have some photos of the completed book to show you (with apologies because my photography skills leave something to be desired -- the book and pages look much better in real life than in these photos!). 

Here's the final version of the cover:

I kept the layout the same from what I originally showed you, but I decided I wanted a lighter background and settled on this light blue digital designer paper from the Shades of Spring Digital Download.

Here are some pages from inside:

(For the bottom two, I took inspiration from Becky Fleck's PageMaps for the layouts.)

On the back of the book is a rainbow we saw as we were driving home:

I'm really happy with how the book came out -- the guys and I really enjoy going through it and remembering our fun trip!   I have some other projects I should get started on soon, too . . . hopefully will have some time to get into them this week while the boys are at their day camp or once they are both back to school . . . won't be long now . . . yikes!  

Anyway, I love how fun and easy it is to scrapbook using My Digital Studio.  If you haven't tried it yet, you should! 

- Michelle

1 comment:

  1. OMG, Michelle, that books is fantastic!!! I have got to learn how to use that MDS. You are such an inspiration with your amazing photos and journaling!!! Marlene Caravello


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