Monday, June 24, 2024

Creativity Now Projects!

 I really enjoyed Creativity Now on Saturday!  That was an online event for Stampin' Up! demonstrators, where we were able to follow along and make projects with a sneak peek suite of upcoming products that we could preorder, called the Winterly Treetops Bundle.  We also were given some sneak peeks of other products that will be in the September to December Mini Catalog!  I enjoyed texting with other members of my team during the event -- we were able to share the fun, even if we weren't in the same place!  

I finally had a chance to take some better photos of my projects today (if you follow me on Facebook, you may have seen the ones I took on my crafting space right after we finished the first and second sets).  I am creating some cards on my own with this Suite as well, which I hope to share with you soon!  Stay tuned for those!  In the meantime here are the photos of what I created on Saturday.

 First up is a card with some wonderful neutral colors!  We colored the birds with a combination of the Bronze, Ivory, and Color Lifter Stampin' Blends!  Those are Blends that I don't think to use as often as I should.  I think after this class, I'll try to do that more.

 For the next card, we used a frame die that comes in the bundle to create a background, and saved the piece from inside the frame for the next card.  We colored the bird and the greenery with watercolor pencils:

On this card, we sponged around the center die cut piece to create a frame, and turned the die cut and sponged some more to create additional layers and depth in the background.  We also stamped the bird image onto Smoky Slate and then colored with watercolors.  Such a different look than starting with White or Vanilla and then coloring!

For our fourth project, we decorated one of the scalloped gift boxes.   We used Copper Enamel Effects in a fun and different way to create a background (as well as in a more familiar way to add berries to our wreath).

Then, we were given instructions for these two "bonus" cards, which use some fun coloring with Blends and pieces cut from the beautiful Nests of Winter Designer Series Paper:

Hope you enjoyed these!  Which of these projects do you like the best?  

- Michelle

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